Strongly connected to the region. Tracking down pigments and pigment preprarities in Recklinghausen

When the Verkehrsverein Suderwich-Essel e.V. Calls for a chat, there is always something going on in Recklinghausen. It was the same last Sunday. Many interested people from the neighborhood followed the circular route, which ended in a cozy and culinary end in our warehouse 7.

After introductory remarks by our managing director Heinrich Stöcker, an inspection of the company premises followed to give the snatchers a look behind the scenes of the “Scholz Farben,” as we are affectionately known here. Which products actually contain SCHOLZ pigments and pigment preparations in our everyday lives? How exactly does the pigment get into the product? And who are the Scholzians? It was also shown how we will invest in the future, e.g. with new warehouses with the project name “Warehouse 25".

We hope that we were able to provide a good all-round view of our company and are proud that we are so well rooted in the region here. We are looking forward to your next visit!